Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr Poems

Hit Title Date Added
' Kontrast 'ku- Haiku...

A Traditional style Haiku
w/semi-contemporary theme.

Haiku For The Storm On The Sea... -

A wee bit of blending of
Modern & Traditional 'Ku
Hope You Enjoy...........FjR

Haiku For The Winged Warriors... -

A Modern Contemporary Haiku
employed with the required
syllabic adherence od Tra-
ditional Zen style Haiku

Castle ~of~ Spirits...

___________ I ____________
___ A p p a r i t i o n s ~ A x i s ___

Th' nape of my neck, unexpectedly teased

Last Request { Ariel's Aura }.... (Rep.)

Standing close, yet not quite o'er you
so as not to disturb your silence;
your face wears the curse in shades of ecru,
I can still hear the rattle from your lungs

Haiku For Twilight...

W/ the syllabic requirement
of Traditional Zen Style 'Ku

Haiku For The Cynically Haunted...

An Unorthodox Modern Triad Haiku
(Broken Syllabic Sequencing)

Now Serving: : Hillary's Host Of Horrors...

She has her reasons, and more than not-
she barks them out on strings of lies
vitriolic, with pout and bat-
of an eyelash, as she sews her cyber WEB


The below work is a ''Triad Senryu''
poem, all three works which connect
& tell a succinct story. In addition,
I chose to implement the syllabic re-

' Cancer Of The Solar Reflection

Withering, 'neath the eye of the flame in the sky;
aesthetically pleasing to the damsel's walking on by-
many years ago...though to him just moments in Mind.

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