Rehan Hyder Poems

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! A Prayer For Life

I want to turn my skin inside out
I want everyone to see the monstrous
Flow of lust that I nurse with every breath

Corny Clichés!

All hymns attributed
And poems dedicated
All words spoken
terms of endearment encashed!

20 Years

20 years of a
stretched nylon of time
3 fairy tales spun
with strands of DNA


Have so many roses
For you memory
That I often feel
A petal slides off my tongue

Prayers To Nowhere

Be my deep sleep dream
Don’t begin, never end
Don’t linger on through
My mornings to fade

>≫≫≫≫≫ Amber Brown- For 'K's Eyes

Its amber brown,
the azure sky, the monochrome earth,
the browns of skylark, a rainbow of prayer
that pierces indigo of night,

Defining The Indefinable Light

As I inched away from your love
I walk into darkness of a deep sea,
Enveloped in dark clouds,
Layer upon layer of waves

Love Knows.... But Little

How does it feel
When gold of: ' I love you'
Has to be traded for an
unknown metal of say: 'Weather is great'

! ! Into Your Arms

I travel on path that's straight
its the journey of light to Light
my heart and soul are my feet
my heart and soul are my blood

Kasia's "One")
With all the trees of world pen
and all the oceans ink
the praise for my Lord

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