Frank (popeye) Pulver Poems

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Through The Eyes Of The Blind

Can you picture the colors in your mind?
Here one that is bright red with a yellow center,
To many this something that they would over looks and never cares to find.
Only if they would just take the time to look then they see there is nothing prettier.

Memories Of My First Good Night Kiss

As I sit with you so near,
I really felt that you would be sincere.
It made so many things runs through my mind,
This is only because, I never felt anyone be so kind.

Twin Towers (Time For It To Heal)

This was a day that no one wanted to see,
As I think of the terror it saddens me.
Why did the tears have to come down my eyes?
To me this was work from Satan in a disguise.

True Faith

This is something that Christ once told:
The faith is something in which everyone should hold.
This is something, in which everyone needs every day,
We should take this in mind; if we do not then we should pay.

Torn Apart

There are times in our life when we feel down and low.
It feels like we are going be torn apart.
During these times we need to ask the Lord to show us which way to go.
He is going to send us someone that will get a strong loving heart.

To Blind To See

This is something that everyone needs to be thought about.
Well I hope it will not take long for you to figure out.
Yes, there are times when they are places we should not be,
But let’s look at everything that has happened to everything around you and me,

Appearance Of Your Soul

Why are there reasons of that we don’t what to know or to say?
But when I see your appearance of your soul lighten the sky,
I know that the pain is going to leave,
And every will soon be okay.

Veterans Come To Save The Day (Memorial Day)

As our heroes come home and are laid to rest
They need to be honored and not someone to protest
And show hatred as stand along the road and preach
Yes we have the freedom of speech

A Hero From A Place That Is So Far Away

A lot of people do not what it means to be at a place that is so far away,
Or why freedom has just has a high price to pay.
It seems likes those days turn months and then to years,
Only wishing that final day will only soon get here.

What It Means To Be Brave

Let us please take the time and stand,
And think of about every veteran that has ever served this land.

They left the good life,
To face the world full of strife.

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