Frank (popeye) Pulver Poems

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Always Be Near

Over the last two days I ran and ran to ran from my fears.
Causing aches and blisters from my legs to my heart feeling much pain.
I had to realize that there was someone next to me and would not go away, but would always be near.
This caused me to think of all my thoughts and to trust and keep up and have nothing to lose but gain.

Strong Hands

As I walk in the dark
I know that The Lord is my Light
He has awaken my soul
And has taken away my fears

Leading Us Though The Fight

Christ is there to keep on the right path
To detour us from Satan's wrath
He leads against sin with a fight
This is why He is like a shining Light

In God We Trust

If our Founding Fathers knew what was happening to our nation here.
It would bring them to tears.
Because we forgotten these words should mean some to us.
“In God We Trust.”

You Think That You Got The Best Of Me

I t is truly amazing two can go from friends to lovers and then to enemies
Why did you have to come into my life and steal my heart like thief in the night
I was young and innocent and full of love
You turned into me a person that is full of hatred and disgust

To Have And Hold

In all of the hopes and dreams
Lies the trust and commitment
With the shared laughter and tears
That will strengthen a friendship

Why Is Today’s Generation So Misunderstood?

We are all quick to say that most of them are up to no good.
Take a look at all they see and learn at such an innocent age.
Our world today is filled with so much violence, sex and rage.

To many of them feel like it unfair,

Red, White, And Blue

First we fought against you,
And many still you did not feel free,
But still we fought alongside of you.
So it is time that you give credit to someone like me.

At A Distance I Am Still There

At a Distance I am There.
Even though Love is blind, but a true friendship never fails to see when each other is in a bind.
At a Distance I am There.
When the tears come running down your face, I am there always to take my place.

Never Let Love Or Friendship Go

As I thought about your words it made my heart soar,
All it did was to make me wanted to listen even more.
When you looked in to my eyes,
I wanted to hide my tears as you said your good-byes

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