George Krokos Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Prayer Poem

Option #1 (For personal recitation)
O my God,
Do not ever forsake me dear Lord
even though it does appear at times

Haiku #9 - Dark Clouds

Quatrain #472 - Don't We Just Love......

Don't we just love the smell of fresh bread
the aroma from it goes straight to our head.
The same can be said about other things we eat
especially those we may consider to be a treat.

Universal Maintenance

This universe is God’s creation what more is there to say
and so everything that happens in it is a part of His play.
It’s only when something starts to go wrong on a major scale
God personally has to come down to make sure it doesn’t fail.

Only Through The Heart And Eyes Of True Love

We see no real essential difference
we see all has the same inference
there is no discrimination
there is no condemnation

A Long Lost Love

I fell in love and lost my heart
and that was why it tore apart.
The love given wasn't returned
by the one for whom it had yearned.

Simple Observation #77 - Someone Who's Blind May......

Haiku #8 - Another Extreme View

Signs Of Redemption

The fragrant flowers in the garden
do speak to me of nature's pardon
that she has again granted us all
tho it seems we're letting her fall.

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