George Krokos Poems

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A God Of Pain

Oh Lord, it seems to me, You are a God of pain
without which some people say there is no gain.
There is only so much that we creatures can bear
and it’s sometimes I wonder if You really do care.

Within Us

Within us is the power to create, preserve and destroy
but which is the power that we all do most employ?
We are all struggling to gain that which we know
will give all the knowledge and strength to show

The Phenomenon Of Love

It's now time to say goodbye and bid each other farewell
we may yet see one another again perhaps, who can tell?
The paths of our life often cross over familiar ground
and so in the days of our lives those memories hound.

Untitled #2 - I Seem To Be Happy..........

I seem to be happy
in the midst of company.
But by myself, I am always in sadness;
thinking, hoping of, what I know is

A Mystical Lover's Lament

There's a gaping hole in the heart
a thing that you would not impart;
all the estrangement one does feel
now has a bearing that's so real.

Quatrain #572 - If You Are Looking For A Friend......

If you are looking for a friend
who'll be with you until the end?
Then look no further than inside
within your heart He does reside.

Any News Of The Beloved?

What news have you brought me of the beloved?
The anxiety of my heart is so very great in there.
I no longer at all can keep my feelings covered
and the stirrings of my heart are about to flare.

Quatrain #573 - God Is With Us......

God is with us and God is love
He showers blessings from above.
Happy are they who look to Him
for He's their dearest next of kin.

About Writing

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