Gerry Legister Poems

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Behind The Smile

Behind the smile we look into the eyes of emptiness, from the painted outward picture of joy, on the horizon; there is agony and loneliness Anguish of fearful dentistry looms over humanity.
We smile for the world with pearly white eyes the splendor of joy only lasting for a little while, holding back the fountain of bewildered tears we are propelled into the future turnstile.
Surrounded by demons and angels and foes in fires give their souls to devour and pleasure tangled mattered and broken souls looking for a way to escape temptation power.
Behind the smiles, those tainted blood of sinners Put their request in the mail box for Jesus to forgive and the throne of heaven hears their prayers Crossing the threshold in the darken world they live.

Our Future

There is a feature that runs through the mind
with a host of stars shining upon the Milky Way
In synchronous lines where earth was formed,
in the beginning of time we had a part to play.


Poetry is the gift of simple things
Symbols we take in life for granted,
Summer days flow into gentle springs,
By the realm of nature time had invented.

Autumn Leaves

Autumn leaves spread far in curious nature,
The cluster of memorable landscape rearranges,
Bursting with splendor in dark and stormy air,
At best, autumn reinforce the season's changes.

Love Breaks In

Love breaks in through my soul,
A breach, compasses the element,
A flame in my heart burn uncontrolled,
Trepidation of what the sphere meant.

Falling In Love Again

Falling in love again
Is like a beautiful dream
Sending my soul almost in sane
And making me feel immature

More Of Time

Every sixty seconds spent waiting,
On the reality to obtain promises,
Could be a minute of inheritance gone?
Never to come back and take chances.

A New Birth

I have taken another a breath
since we last spoke
And I have given birth
Unveiling a new life to earth

Observing The Night

That night on Earth stormy banks,
Winter snow cast a shadow over the houses,
And forbid urgent journeys over sea and lands,
Ice winds could not melt the frozen castles.

One Chance In A Lifetime

Everything reflect; black and white
Good and bad are in People and places,
Nature drifts in to bring intelligence
Darkness of mind is exposing by the light.

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