gershon hepner Poems

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Your touch that I find ever-present
I want, as I have since I first
met you, and found you ever-pleasant,
spontaneous, sparkling, unrehearsed.

Paltry Thing

An aged man’s a paltry thing
(John Butler Yeats, of course) ,
his legacy divided, king
like Lear, bereft of force,

Gross National Happiness

Gross national happiness now in Bhutan
is the goal, and not gross national product;
happiness great but not gross is my plan,
and the bottom line I’ve always buttocked.


We’re not as intricate or clever
as we believe, but fortunately are amused
so easily we laugh forever
about absurdities with which we abused.

Uighurs, Tibetans, Jews

In China, Moslems called the Uighurs
are fighting to be free
of rule by Han Chinese. It figures
that they want liberty,

Gusto, Brio And Panache

Gusto, brio and panache
happy writers have, who dash,
while those lack élan and verve
scribe slower, fearing they may swerve,


Both faithful in love and dauntless in verse,
there ne’er was a knight like young Gershon, and worse
are abundant throughout the New Yorker and most
of the books that are published. Now Huffington Post

Less Sex Than Essex

Elizabeth said to the Earl:
“It is time that you left me to curl
with another young man, having less sex
with you, my dear robin of Essex.”

Romantic Symphony

Bruckner’s symphony, called the Romantic,
drives those who like brief works quite frantic,
but those who like long ones
are surely the wrong ones

Moral Convictions And Intellectual Superiority

Moral convictions, George W’s strong card,
intellectual superiority Obama’s,
can’t win against opponents who fight hard,
not jokers in a pack, but military hammers.

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