gershon hepner Poems

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Missing Animosity

In exile you may miss far more
the animosity of those you’ve left behind
than praises of the people who adore
you for your beauty and the brilliance of your mind.

Mayor Of Wasilla

The choice of the Mayor of Wasilla
as VP made Hillary iller
than Bill with a blow job.
Alaskan, this snow job

Jewish Khazars

A Jew told his friends: “It’s bizarre:
they tell me that you’re a Khazar.
Though you are a Levite,
and staunchly Aqivite,

Two Flavors

Two women flavors, cherry and vanilla,
describe two types of women, one trangressive,
the other bland, and for a ladykiller,
too boring if call yourself progressive.

Erotically Correct

Love is a dream that’s dreamt midsummer nights,
but the bottom drops out when expression
of love is turned into a bill of rights
that claims the lover as one’s own possession.

Rejecting Smelly Orthodoxies

“You cannot be both Catholic and grown up, ”
George Orwell once declared Evelyn Waugh.
The devil with whom you must chose to sup
doesn’t care what gods you might adore

Oozing Sincerity

There’s a difference between oozing
sincerity and being quite sincere,
like the difference between boozing
and drinking to create good cheer.

Leap Of Action

Kierkegaard declared that everyone must make
a leap of faith, but A. B. Heschel said that Jews
must make a leap of action. Faith can be opaque
compared with action, squared on its hypotenuse

Falcon Is A Fake

Though you know the falcon is a fake
the movie’s still a lot of fun to watch.
Unlike the Maltese falcon, a mistake
about important matters like the Scotch

Nothing In The World Is Harder

Nothing in the world is harder than
a long succession of fair days. A man
may say this imitating Goethe, but
a single night with an obliging slut

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