gershon hepner Poems

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Fanny Fatigue

Does fanny fatigue ever bother, I wonder,
Almighty God when sitting on His throne?
Could this be why He doesn’t even wonder
to lift the number of his telephone?


Lot left the salty city in a hurry
with Mrs. Lot because it was hellacious,
and fiery brimstone fell down in flurry
on her salacious, him quite soon fellatious.


A cloud came down from heaven and it shared
the spirit that had once been only Moses’
with seventy other Israelites who dared
to prophesy and give their own prognosis


I see the water steaming off the roofs
this morning, now the warming sun has risen.
The rain that pounded yesterday like hoofs
escapes like convicts who, released from prison,


Antiquities that are the oldest
and classiest and rarest
in the world entice the boldest
collectors of the fairest,

You May Not Cross

“You may not cross, ” God said to him,
“the river to the Promised Land,
although your eyes are not yet dim,
because I saw you raise your hand

Top Of The Torah

I’ll take you on the greatest ride:
the Big Tent’s waiting–– step inside!
It’s where the Jews all once assembled,
and Jacob, Isaac’s son, dissembled,

Seducing The Chaos

Seducing the chaos before there was light,
disarming the world's primal menaces,
sans fiat or force, and with no need to fight,
was the first step that God took in Genesis.

On The Fifth Day

On the fifth day when God made
a creature called Leviathan
the angels all tried to dissuade
Him from His plan of making Man

Losing Symmetry

Maggie tells her father Adam Verver
that they will lose their symmetry when she
moves to her husband, who does not deserve her
because he is in love with Charlotte. We

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