Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Even In Moments When Everything Is Out Of Control

From The Stars (English Sonnet)

(after William Shakespeare)

From the stars I cannot events of the future pluck
or find any answers in this kind of mere astronomy

Here I Confess That I Do Love You (Free Verse Sonnet)

(in answer to Lina Spies)

The words between us is something like holy ground,
where rhetoric gets meaning in the mundane,


On this bright lovely day you do seem so sadly
where the entire world is abundant with great joy,
and I will accompany you into nature gladly
while the smallest thing seems to you annoy.

If I Could Catch You In A Verse (Free Verse Sonnet)

(in answer to Lina Spies)

If I could catch you in a verse
no beauty or depth would be able to express you,

Only Words (English Sonnet)

Blessed is the time that we do together spend,
where much more than the world you are to me
and sheer magic do nature to your beauty lend
where with you every day of life I do want to be,

Accord (Free Verse Sonnet)

(after Elisabeth Eybers)

Where with intense analysis you do look at every word
you do at times feel to me like a darling full of cunning

Apocrypha: Psalm 14

Even the lives of my worst enemies are in Your hand
and no power can stand against Your will and Your love.
Where daily without reason people do come in anger against me
they are lighting inextinguishable fires in their own lives,

Apocrypha: Psalm 15

My Lord, from my childhood days I have seen You as my companion,
where as a mere child I hold fatherless to your strong hand
and where from prehistory You did reckon out my days
I ask You to protect my darling, as You do know what she means to me,

Easter Weekend

(in answer to Lina Spies)

From my childhood I do remember Easter as:
hundreds of children that do play together and sing choruses

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