Gert Strydom Poems

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Farewell Conversation

To you I tried to write a long poem
but did become deeper engaged in sadness
and later did draw lines through the words,
and I did cry and wrote no verses to you

In The House Of My Father

In the house of my Father there is a place
for each one that comes to Him
and constantly I am astounded by His love and sacrifice
but sometimes I want to hide my life and cover it

In My Dream

In my dream your photo frame memory
did not want to bring you back to me
and somewhere the forgetting did sneak in
as if continually you were hiding

In My Thoughts I See You

lying stretched out on our bed
with pyjamas clinging to you,
curtains drawn shut
and the big duvet is somewhat blue

While Spring Is Turning Into Summer

Maybe for far too long
I have been flabbergasted
by your sweet innocence,
by the realization

Little Princess In A Glass Box (Free Verse Sonnet)

(for Gwenavieve Enslin)

Your dad says proudly that he did design you himself:
your eyes, nose and mouth are genetically from him.

You And I (Refrain Stanza)

(after Ina Rousseau)

As if a kaleidoscope further circle out with you and me,
like patterns on mother of pearl I do our relationship see,

When Love In Time Decays

When love in time decays,
when it looses all of its respects
and you cannot come my way,
when it is only filled with defects

I Miss You (Triolet)

It's almost the beginning of spring
and locked-down I do miss you so,
while outside the weavers do sing.
It's almost the beginning of spring

Caught In A Web (English Ballade)

(after Heinrich Heine)

He thought that their love was something deep
where as a thief at first he stole her heart,

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