Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Apocrypha: Psalm 15

My Lord, from my childhood days I have seen You as my companion,
where as a mere child I hold fatherless to your strong hand
and where from prehistory You did reckon out my days
I ask You to protect my darling, as You do know what she means to me,

Easter Weekend

(in answer to Lina Spies)

From my childhood I do remember Easter as:
hundreds of children that do play together and sing choruses

The Saviour (Free Verse Sonnet)

God did make a promise when sin did come
that a saviour, a lamb to sacrifice will be provided
and the whole Old Testament does point to Him
where it speaks about worship and returning to God,

God As A Human (Free Verse Sonnet)

(in answer to S. J. Pretorius)

In the hearts of people in a crowd
where the traffic continually do stream forth

Pontius Pilate

When you washed your hands,
did deliver a righteous innocent man,
the creator Lord God
to a angry, revolting crowd


When they nailed God to the cross
it did have great meaning to Nicodemus
(the Pharisee who knew the scripture)
who in secret visited Jesus at night

The Destruction Of The Spanish Inquisition (Ballade)

(in answer to N. P. van Wyk Louw)

The thought came to me that man is fragile

Precursor (Couplets)

(in answer to Lina Spies)

Love is much more that to kiss with spit
more than a glance doing wonderful things is in it,

You Coming Home (Couplets)

(in answer to Elisabeth Eybers)

From outside amber shined the streetlight
when suddenly you appeared from the darkness of the night,

The Swallows Do This Year Late Fly Away (Couplets)

The swallows do this year late fly away,
like me in this land they want to stay

and the sight of them do this verse inspire,

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