Gert Strydom Poems

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In This Fierce Winter (Couplets)

When the frost in a white sight around us everywhere does lie
you do love me while it seems, as the plants in the garden will die,

the setting sun has a soft glare

Next To Me You Lie So Still (Couplets)

(in answer to Nel Noordzij)

Next to me you lie so still deep in your sleep,
this impression in my memories I want to keep


There is severe chilliness coming suddenly
when with rain winter does surprise you and me,

It's with you that shelter against every thing I find,

Between Us The Words Were Few (Rondel Prime)

Between us the words were few and far between
while we were in the act of love and its bliss
were tenderly you did again and again me kiss
while we changed from how we had been


(in answer to Daniel Hugo)

Mere moments comes to fullness in the new day
where you do become part of the cycle of my life

Cosmology (Rondel Prime)

(in answer to Daniel Hugo)

Like a jumping star that flaming does fall
of which the power does flow out into space

Only In Your Lovely Company

(after Danie Marais)

You are as straight as the N1 through the Karoo
and in your promises I can believe and trust,

Apocrypha: Psalm 16

(after Totius)

From the eons You do know the path that I have got to go
You do measure my days out in the time of my trivial existence,

Apocrypha: Psalm 17

In every small bird that watches me at the window
it's as if You do look at me with Your love
and like this the sparrow chirps, the dove does coo and the weaver twitter
while constantly I do think of You,

Your White Body Glows (Octave)

In bliss your white body glows in the dark
where streched out you lie in your sleep
as if in another world you do embark
while an arm do me close to you keep.

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