Gert Strydom Poems

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My Darling, With What Will I Compare You?

You that look to me much prettier
than all the other flowers?
The sun that rises in the mornings
are much redder than any flower

Somewhere I Have Lost My Way In You

as if I am lost in you
and as if I can find no footpath leading to the outside,
I am trapped.
Your glances and the way that you do look

When The Day Is Only Just Breaking

When the day is only just breaking
and the morning star has only just appeared
then I have got break my first bread
and start on the waiting journey

Most Beautiful Girl

Most beautiful girl
I send a message to you
but no postal dove can get it to you
as life passes far too quickly

My Darling [2]

(After Robert Louis Stevenson)

My darling is beautiful with eyes the sun’s hue
Sparkling like morning dew

In The Aloe Covered Hillocks

In the aloe covered hillocks I saw nature have her way
with orange primal naked flowers among the rocks
while proteas bloomed on sunny day after sunny day;
small miracles caught the eye, under a cobalt sky

About The Power That Love Do Impress

About the power that love do impress,
there is something that is really lovely
a kind of beauty that does confess
that love does come totally free

Something On Love (Cavatina)

The spirit and soul tells the human being
reach valiantly,
for someone else, for something that’s much more,
apart from me,

What Kind Of Power Did Flow Out Of You?

What kind of power did flow out of You
when mere speech did change into solid matter,
when light and gasses did suddenly appear,
when water did start to exist and spread

From Before Time

From before the beginning of time
You did already measure me out,
did determine my humanity and character.
You did know

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