Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
On The Footsteps Through Life (Free Verse Sonnet)

(in answer to Petra Müller)

We exchanged years, innocence and labour
and in love we did spend our times together,

Where The Waves Roll In And Out (Refrain Stanza)

Where the waves roll in and out forever more,
while we both stand close to each other on the shore,
I see you footsteps next to the sea on the sand
while in mine I do feel your hot soft hand

You are the girl who is fair,
or sometimes you hair is dark or tinted.
You are the one in whom I do find bliss,
the one that fiercely beats in my blood.

Take Away (Refrain Stanza)

(After William Shakespeare)

Take away the separation and its pain
with kisses and bliss that comes again,

An Expression Of Gratitude To God (Free Verse Sonnet)

(after S. J. Pretorius)

Thank you that You do give words to me to share with others
and I am also grateful for life and every small and big blessing

I Write Humble Prayers To God (Rubiyat Sonnet)

Governments have used and abused me as they came
the oppression of both white and black are all the same,
while sacrifices I was forced to make and action to take
where they acted within and without God's mighty name,

Holy Dan

(after R. K. Belcher)

At a very large church and employment buro
in Brakpan I came across a holy Dan

Persian Quatrains About Church People

The pastor drives with his shiny Mercedes in at the gate
and long before he stops I know the collection cannot wait
because the boot opens before he comes around the corner
and it does his true intentions indicate.

My Love (Free Verse Sonnet)

(After Piet van Rooyen, for Daleen on her birthday)

My Love, my barefooted girl
you do bewitch me and you do make me blind,

As My Greatest Asset And True Love (Refrain Stanza)

(for Daleen on her birthday)

As my greatest asset and true love I do you deem
where you do bring me happiness and esteem

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