Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
As A Child (Refrain Stanza)

As a child I looked at God's heaven on the other side of the blue
while in fear and wonder adults did over a comet argue
as if disaster could leave the earth to be just a speck of dust,
in wonder I looked at the stars in the heaven did in God trust,

I Tried To Define Love (English Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

I tried our love and all of its ways to define
and of it I wrote from memory's recollection

Guinevere On Her Dying Bed (English Sonnet)

(in answer to Dorothy Parker)

To king Arthur I was wedded until his death
and I loved him then sincere as I love him now

The Leviathan (2)(Free Verse Sonnet)

The restless ocean did not expect him,
the winged dragon that did fall down into the water,
that did sink and became a part of the deeper darkness,
where he dreamt to above God have power,

Whether I Win Or At Time Do Down Fall (English Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

In a world of hardship, calamity and woe
you are in my heart, my blood and my head

In The Dale Of Death (Crystalline Poem)

In Times Of The Shadow Of Death (Free Verse Sonnet)

(in answer to Daniel Hugo)

I know that my own Germanic blood
did come to this rough South Africa

I Do Want To Buy You A Dress (English Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

I do want to buy you a designer dress
in red, blue, green, black or even white,

A Shooting Star (Refrain Stanza)

A falling star did draw a long fiery line
where in the night I look at eternity where stars do origin and decline
or in mythology Thor maybe did let his hammer glow
or for Catholics someone did out of purgatory escape and go

Eclipse Of The Moon (Free Verse Sonnet)

(in answer to Daniel Hugo)

Like wild wolves the dogs did howl
when the moon hanged bloody red in the sky,

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