Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Think Back To A Childhood Day (Refrain Stanza)

I think back to a childhood day,
I see the thunder branching in its brilliant ray
before it bashes down blue-white
and in the rain the dirt track is a sight,

At The Small Farm-Dam (Refrain Stanza)

I caught crabs where in the farm-dam they did in hiding lie,
a swarm of coots hanged screeching in the sky,
bright on the water the afternoon-sun did gleam
and when I got out on a rock anything did possible seem,

From The Depth Of My Heart (Italian Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

From the depth of my heart I do you truly know,
the people that do you slander I want to smother,

Autumn (Free Verse Sonnet)

(after I. D. du Plessis, in answer to N. P. van Wyk Louw)

Motionless like skeletons the branches hang stripped, the summer is past,
the air is stuffy and the clouds are grey and black and heavy,

Longing (Free Verse Sonnet)

(in answer to Marius Absalom)

I smell the rain that pours down and keeps falling on the wet ground
when a lightning-bolt does come down blue-white in the concrete jungle,

The Evening Primrose And You (Refrain Stanza)

(for Annelize, after Dorothy Parker)

I know a bloom that is pure pink and sometimes white
and it does blossom fragrantly during the dark night

Prince Abadin Tadia Tjoessoep (Refrain Stanza Sequence)

(after I. D. du Plessis)

I prince Abadin Tadia Tjoessoep, high-priest, Pangéran, do here swear
where I do bare witness over God's wondrous salvation and His care:

The Song Of The Merchant Ali (Refrain Stanza)

(after I. D. du Plessis)

The fortress of sultan Rameer in Shalimar gleams red as fire
and beautiful is the women that do Ali desire,

When You Are So Far Away (English Sonnet)

(for Annelize, after Dorothy Parker)

When you my love, are so far from me away
at my window sing the flock of many birds

To You I Give (Free Verse Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

To you I give blood-red poppies
that carries my love before they do wither

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