Gert Strydom Poems

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You Say You Did Not Plan Things Like This

You say you did not plan things like this
and at the end I am your throw-away husband,

where over a whole year you do reckon out your life

Apocrypha: Psalm 80 (Refrein Stanza)

My Lord and God, Jahwé, Jesus, whatever man call you,
each human is rescued by You and not damned as You are true.
You created and people argue about Genesis and a big-bang.
You are eternal; the creator in whose hands life does hang.

Grandma Baby (Elisabeth Filda Strydom)

Grandma, your dad was a Scotsman and a real gentleman,
your mother an Afrikaner in more than flesh and blood,
you taught me the principles of family,
believed that everyone should help each other,

Granddad Daniel Tobias Brand

Granddad Danie, of you there is little in my memory,
as you died when my mother was but a little girl
but legends and stories tell me about you,
of a man that trusts that God does remain with His people,

The Flower (Italian Sonnet) 1

(after Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin)

In my Bible I find a flattened flower,
that to me smells somewhat scentless stale.

Peace (Sonnet Sequence)

At eighteen I was called to the military
for compulsory service in a time of war.
My life changed from what it was before.
It felt if from destiny I would not be free,

I Send To You Sincere Wishes

(for Annelize)

About the most beautiful Cape a lot of people talk
and I do agree as it is where you are,

It's Such A Bright Beautiful Day

(for Annelize)

It's such a bright beautiful sunny summer-day,
with tranquillity that comes on a Sunday


(for Annelize)

I wish I could follow your tracks
to the true depth of your beautiful heart,

Even If This Rainy-Season Is Grey

(for Annelize)

Even if this blessed rainy-season is grey
you are the sunshine coming into my life,

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