Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
God's Judgement In The Ukraine

'They cried out in a loud voice,
'Holy and true Sovereign, how long will it be
before You judge and take revenge
on those living in the earth

We May Wonder

(for Annelize)

"It is of the Lord's mercies

The Sun Hangs Orange-Red

(for Annelize)

From outside the fragrance of jasmine drifts in
the sun hangs orange-red as the day begin

Two Sides That Are Around The Ukraine

In a crisis that could lead to world war three
it's a skew image that a person gets from the Americans:

To You My Feelings I Cannot Hide

(for Annelize)

Outside I hear birds call in the twilight,
I wish you could now here reside,

While In The Ukraine Men, Woman And Children Die

"You shall hear of wars and rumors of wars:
see that you be not troubled:
for all these things must come to pass,
but the end is not yet.

Now I Pray4

(for Annelize, after Alan Seeger)

From a young-man I have changed
but now I pray to love you once more,

He Jerks Leaders Out

(for Annelize)

"He changes the times and the seasons:
He removes kings, and sets up kings:

There Is Something

There is something so very expected
as glad my heart sing and unexpected,
where your new picture I before me see,
it's been long but we are still connected

Far Too Many (Sonnet Sequence)

Far too many cries, voices, actions and lies
draw, force and oblige me to write something,
as in the last part of summer birds sing,
in dismal horror call outright to me,

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