Gert Strydom Poems

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(for Annelize)

If the world were of all flowers and trees stripped,
if all of your love were from my heart ripped


Over the veldt rises the shy moon in a narrow yellow band
when like the flowering cosmos the stars stand
where the universe God do for His children prepare
while over you and me He takes great care

When Man Leaves No Place For God (Refrain Stanza Sequence)

(in answer to I. D. du Plessis)

With science to the moon man has gone,
to the planets and the stars further on

I Have Been Afraid (English Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

I have been afraid that this great love cannot last,
knew that nothing again could be as great as this

The Dying Beggar (Refrain Stanza Sequence)

(after C. M. van den Heever)


The Little Old Lady (Refrain Stanza)

(after C. M. van den Heever)

Where every night at sunset she stands at her window
with tears she reads the written characters very slow.


(for Annelize)

"I do love you intensely and intimate, " I said
your lips were soft, glistening and a kind of red

My View On A Certain Myth

That mighty Leviathan that do in water dwell
of whom the Bible does tell
is none other than Lucifer who God did expel
when as a man God came to save men from hell

The Flying Dutchman (Refrain Stanza)

(after I. D du Plessis)

Every seven years when a wild storm do rage,
when the age old ship do around the Cape its passage wage

The Red-Black Rose (Italian Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

In the world the tempest of the rain and wind was strong
and while the summer sun was white hot and high

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