Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
You I Do Hold (English Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

You I do hold me with blinded blissful rapture
where I do go through sunny day after sunny day

The Stars (Refrain Stanza)

In the night the fire of the stars I did behold
where they guard as the beacons of God from times of old
did wonder how God do Pleiades bind
and do again the unbinding of the seven stars find

The Starry-Night (Refrain Stanza)

(after C. M. van den Heever)

Soft falls the rays of an amber streetlight
and above me is the whole starry night

In The Doves That Flutter Down (Refrain Stanza)

(for Annelize)

In the doves that flutter down around me tranquillity I do see
and sometimes I want to be like the Hadedah ibises that are free,

Piano In The Night (Refrain Stanza Sequence)

(in answer to C. M. van der Heever)

The stream's babbling tranquil sound do disappear
in the night full of stars while the dull golden moon is unclear

Your Song (Refrain Stanza)

(after C. M. van den Heever)

Wherever I go the shadow of sin follows me
and only You are sanctified, noble, eternal and holy

In A Dim Grey World (Persian Quatrain)

(for Annelize)

In a dim grey world you bring gladness
do drive away all of life's pain and madness

Life And Death (Free Verse Sonnet)

(after C. M. van der Heever)

The orange-red moon rises as if it is sailing in the sky
where the last rays of the sun do disappear

Lucifer In The Heart (Free Verse Sonnet)

In the black townships the days and nights clatter pass
while mini-bus taxis are constantly at war
with every bus and train and do protect their routes with murder,
they shoot with AK-47's as they do drive pass

I Do Adore You (Free Verse Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

I adore you late at night, at daybreak and in the afternoon,
even if the days of hardship would come without an end,

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