Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
While Our Two Hearts Do Beat (Refrain Stanza)(2)

(for Annelize)

While our two hearts do beat you are out of reach
where we do love each other each to each

Early In The Morning (Roundel Prime)(01)

On the carnations that are yellow, red and white
like sparkling diamonds hang drops of dew
and the garden draws attention as if it's new
while the flowers in it are for people a tranquil sight,

While Our Two Hearts Do Beat (Refrain Stanza)2

(for Annelize)

While our two hearts do beat you are out of reach
where we do love each other each to each

The Farm Yard (Refrain Stanza)

The smell of bales of alfalfa on the wind does come through,
in the middle of the sky at twelve o'clock the sun hangs true,
a red tractor draws a dusty line in the field
and against the burning sand I cannot my eyes shield

While Our Do Beat (Refrain Stanza)

(for Annelize)

While our two hearts do beat you are out of reach
where we do love each other each to each

When She Brings (Free Verse Sonnet)

When she brings something from the garden into the house
the pots are everywhere in the living-room,
it's as if birds do sing right though the house,
as if she turns the atmosphere around,

In The Morning (Roundel Prime)

On the carnations that are yellow, red and white
like sparkling diamonds hang drops of dew
and the garden draws attention as if it's new
while the flowers in it are for people a tranquil sight,

The Cattle Paddock (Refrain Stanza)

Some young calves jump to and thro
and the Frisians are black and white where around me they go,
big-eyed cattle that chew the cud I do see
where in tranquillity they do look upon me

With A Flood The Streamlet Swell (Refrain Stanza)

(for Annelize)

With a flood the streamlet swell
where it meanders in the dell

Earth (Refrain Stanza)

You are the source from where all things come
earth, you are our eternal great planet home,
one day I will be of you a part
when in you I lie in my flesh, bones and heart

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