Gert Strydom Poems

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An Abomination Happens At The Crossroad (Refrain Stanza)

(after I. D du Plessis)

An abomination happens at the crossroad where lights do flash as a scary thing,
Beelzebub surrounded by evil angels wants to possess a distorted human being,

Shall I Compare Your Beauty?(English Sonnet)

(After William Shakespeare)

Shall I compare your beauty to the time of spring?
You are angelic, holy and intricate in your way.

Circe To Odysseus (Free Verse Sonnet)

(after Elisabeth Eybers)

Here where I am to you beautiful and ardently loving,
I do ask that you do grant me one more night with you,

Cynthia (English Sonnet)

At night while her emblem reigns, the sky is Cynthia's own domain,
yet she is on the hunt with her magic bow during the hours of the sun
where she kills animals that do humans devour, do the huntress remain,
do sneak through the woods on rainy days and twilight when it is dun,

I Am Scared (Free Verse Sonnet)

(after Elisabeth Eybers)

Sometimes wordless I want to remain silent about us,
where I am scared over the power of mere words

(after Luis de Camões, Roy Campbell and Totius)

Where he stands on the deck of his ship

To The Nile (Refrain Stanza)

(after Roy Campbell)

From time immortal your waters do to your delta flow
while life and living you do to the desert land bestow

As You Are A Woman (Free Verse Sonnet)

(after Elisabeth Eybers)

All the seasons are reflected in the yearly tides
as they come and go through the months

At The Last Supper (Free Verse Sonnet)

It was dark outside at that last supper,
while joyful His disciples waited upon the time of Passover,
the Lord Jesus Christ did fetch bowl
while brave Peter did laugh at a joke of John

Cruelly People Hanged My God On A Cross (Free Verse Sonnet)

Cruelly people hanged my God on a cross,
Pilate washed his hands as if innocent
from this deed and in sin humanity was caught,
at three pm it was dark night and all the animals were scared,

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