Gert Strydom Poems

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It's Then That Here With Me I Do Sense You (Refrain Stanza)

(for Annelize)

Tonight the stars glitter and the night is full of tranquillity
when thoughts of you do refreshing wash over me,

Your Personality Is Fire And Dew (Refrain Stanza)

(for Annelize)

While it lingers for a short while
sunny is you lovely hot smile

You Are The One That I Do Love (Free Verse Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

You are the one that I do trust with all my secrets
above all other women you are utter beautiful to me,

My Lord God (Refrain Stanza)

(after C. M. van den Heever)

When as a mere child fatherless I took Your hand,
I do remember: on the pathway of life at my side You did stand

Crystalline Poems To And About God

When I brought forth (Crystalline Poem)

When I brought forth words that were mighty
Your pure voice did sing right through me.

Prayer (Refrain Stanza)

(for Annelize)

Where lonely I kneel before You,
You know every word of mine and know everything I do

Ballade Of The Little Cattle Herdsman

(after C. M. van den Heever)

In the twilight the hillocks around him is grey
where the small herdsman do take the cattle to a corral,

Ballade Of The Hippopotamus-Hole

(after C. M. van den Heever)

At the policemen of the lines the fishermen do stare,
under a gazebo they are protected from the sting of the sun

Now I Am Looking With Other Eyes At You (Free Verse Sonnet)

(for Annelize, after A. G. Vissier in answer to André letoit)

I met you at college
and always you did greet me with a smile,

Factory Workers (Refrain Stanza)

(after C. M. van den Heever)

They do appear laughing and joking,
some do hurry to places where brothels do their thing,

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