Gert Strydom Poems

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Outside it's shivering icy-cold
but inside cosy hot in front of a fireplace.
Everything is like yesterday: the view ages-old
as if time comes to a halt and lasts immeasurably.


The morning seems lonesome and forsaken
with a silence that hangs like fog over everything,
there is almost no sound to be heard
and it's as if something unknown is outside.

The Small Redbreast (English Sonnet)

I saw it frolic on top of the gate
on a bright sunny but cold winter day,
a small redbreast alone and desolate,
around it everything was brown and grey.

When The Evening Twilight Comes At The Moor

(in answer to Totius)

When the evening twilight comes at the moor
then it is that I find the umber-bird there

This Morning We Walked In The Veldt

This morning we walked in the veldt
and unexpectedly you found a wild lily,
over it you were excited like a child,
In the city shots rang out in the distance

To Find You (Persian Quatrain)

I need no lead lines or stars to find You
and even if I act blind You do stay true,
even if I am at the edge of the abyss,
You help me to the right things to do.

I Hear Your Clear Voice

Numb, half-awake, and dazed with wonder,
I gasp at you, in the room at my mother's house,
I hear your clear voice breaking into my reality,
ringing with familiarity in the morning twilight:

Now It's Alone That I Do Mourn About You

When big-eyed in the morning,
you do kiss me with soft hot lips,
do have the first conversation of the day,
it's magic that you do to me.

Next To Me Your Picture Lies

Next to me your own vivid picture lies-
against the wall with your shadow and face,
a woman complete, with innocence and grace
and wisdom in your expression and eyes.

In My Love I Am Abandoned By You

Abandoned by you I am in my love
and I pray to God for greater mercy,
when you leave me alone like this,
do not regard me as your spouse

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