Gert Strydom Poems

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Now It's Alone That I Do Mourn About You

When big-eyed in the morning,
you do kiss me with soft hot lips,
do have the first conversation of the day,
it's magic that you do to me.

Next To Me Your Picture Lies

Next to me your own vivid picture lies-
against the wall with your shadow and face,
a woman complete, with innocence and grace
and wisdom in your expression and eyes.

In My Love I Am Abandoned By You

Abandoned by you I am in my love
and I pray to God for greater mercy,
when you leave me alone like this,
do not regard me as your spouse

While The Signs Of Winter Are Disappearing (Italian Sonnet)

Everywhere the cosmos are appearing,
after the days of soaking spring rain,
the entire veldt is like Eden again.
To me this time of year is endearing

On Separation Unprepared

I had been for your last words
on separation unprepared,
where your decisions do affect the future,
with pain in my life is realized,

The Thorny Crown (Italian Sonnet)

"Unto Adam He said…cursed is the ground
for thy sake…Thorns… shall it bring forth."
Genesis 2: 17-18
"The soldiers platted a crown of thorns,

To Walk With Day By Day (English Sonnet)

Lord, I bring to You a small offering:
another day of dirty earthly toil,
I do earnestly pray for Your blessing
and water on the red-brown fertile soil,

The Song Of The Red-Breast (English Sonnet)

As the early morning breeze the leaves stirs
solitary it sits high in the acacia-thorn,
watches the other birds frolic in the firs
while another new god-given day is born.


For long it had been an eternal night
with just water covering everything,
with no other kind of colour or light
that did any sight or dimension bring,

Early In The Morning 2

When the weaver twittered for its mate
I imagined you here inside with me,
that you and I looked at the rising sun
and there was no movement on the street.

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