Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
At A Rock Music Concert

The howl of the magic guitar
brings me intense pleasure
and he is stroking string after string

The Maritime Ode

When the ship sails away,
leaving the quay with space widening
setting a course into the sea
aiming somewhere over the blue beyond

The Shadow Of Cain (A Reply To Edith Sitwell)

Man did not heed the cloud,
the cloud looking like the hand of man
and I saw lightning falling from the sky
and it was manmade,

To A Very Special Girl

Making love
should come naturally,
should be something of passion,
filled with romance

Too Many Times (Tritina)

Too many times back to war I have went,
have seen civilian men become soldiers
to face destruction, injury and death,

Hazy The New Summer Day Hangs

Hazy the new summer day hangs,
the sky is cobalt blue
and here and there the dew of the night glistens
when the new morning unfolds in her glory

Early On A Winter Morning In Cape Town

Early on a winter morning in Cape Town
the rain is sieving down as it has done for days,
the sky is covered with grey clouds
and inside are you and I

Physical Science

(after Antjie Krog)

Right at the front at the big old green board
the teacher waits with a strong wooden cane

Flying Fish

As they pierce the bright blue gleaming water
I have seen them leap and play
in a immeasurable ocean
glistening on a hot summer day

On The Island

Cemented into existing
among grey buildings, long grey days
they listened keen on hearing any whispering,
even tried to hear the breaking of the sea,

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