Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
You Are (Free Verse Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

You are the only true one,
against our love I have no resistance,

Morning-Glory (Rubiyat Sonnet)

Its blue pure perfect colour is the first we see
but there is a price to this beauty
it does overgrow anything near to it
yet its hue holds a kind of tranquillity,

The Cannas (Sonnet)

The tall red cannas as if nude
in the garden do flaunt their beauty
as if they have got a loving attitude
that they want everyone to see

In The Million Eyes (English Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

In the million eyes of my memory
your face is not clear as if it is tonight adrift

First(Free Verse Sonnet)

(After Anyte)

He is still in my first memories,
the man that folds me into his arms

At The Tidy Yard In The Corner Of The Street

The doctor, the police and a mortician did visit the house,
the tidy yard in the corner of the street,
the man had been stabbed to death, the woman raped
and our whole country is cursed with the plundering and killing.

Deadly Still

Too white and bleak was your face,
too lifeless you countenance.
your intense blue eyes closed
with no pulse beating in your heart.

I Do Adore You

(for Annelize)

Where I am aware of your fragrance,
your own humanity,


There had been a man of God, a prophet,
that measured out God's will on the earth,
that for years did stop the rain from falling
when man did forget the omnipotent Lord God.

Jacob Wrestles With God (Free Verse Sonnet)

At last light suddenly there was Someone with him
that grabbed him in a terrible wrestling-grip and forced him down
and with all of his power Jacob did face Him,
did force Him away from him with might and a cry

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