Gert Strydom Poems

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Soldier’s Faces

Maybe I saw the faces
of a thousand soldiers
while they prepared for war
and some had grim determination, even dedication

A Financial Manager In The New South Africa

The sun has risen like a large red ripe orange
and I can almost smell its ripeness
on the early morning air
and I am driving my brand new red BMW

Let Us Dream About A New World

Halt the job and racial preservation,
forcing people in and out of a nation
into a unknown culture
and let the distinction by made by merit

The Heritage

I think of those incredible men
who lived out legendary lives
and with a whip, horse and oxen

You Played With A Hero Character

You played with a hero character
and I cannot remember if it was Superman
of GI Joe
and your younger brother

Your Golf Playing Postmaster Father Was Your God

Your golf playing postmaster father
was your god
(and to you there was no other)
who couldn’t see anything wrong

Finding Your God

After your father’s demise
you didn’t have a god
but you had to find one
or you’re writing of children’s stories

A Spring Evening

Outside the irises flower yellow and purple
and I haven’t seen a red one yet
and there are some pink and white blossoms
on the fruit trees

First Rain

The past winter had come
with black ripe
and had turned the green grass,
even the flowers into dead,

Early Spring

Lord God, can we ask for your presence,
for a sign of your grace
and let your rain, sun and wind contribute

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