Gert Strydom Poems

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Two people dressed in white
take steps around each other,
and around their middles
black bands are tied.


Continually its progressions and rows,
the teacher is on patrol,
his cane sometimes swishes painfully,
there are theorems and more theorems

Forced to meet an enemy in a rifle's sight
a unknown man appears, scratches his head,
he lights a cigarette, draws on it until it glows,
looks at a photo in a way that only his wife knows

One Night In The Tranquillity I Heard Him Pass

One night in the tranquillity
I heard Him pass,
for long moments nature was silent,
as if all things had come to a standstill,

He Who Creates Innumerable Systems Of Stars

He who creates innumerable systems of stars
visits my heart,
He who holds the rain, the thunder and hail
also knows my sorrow,

To Know With True Conviction (In Answer To Johannes Prins)

To know with true conviction and to believe
that God does exist, is active
in the things that do happen on earth,
to at times ask advice from Him,

The Thunder Storm Came Suddenly

The thunder storm came suddenly; the air was drawing close,
with grey and black clouds covering the heaven
and suddenly there was no more blue
with the whole day being only grey

In Dry Namaqualand

In dry Namaqualand, in the stretched out paradise,
there are pretty flowers showing their faces
that rise after the first rain in that semi-desert,
appearing for days long in colourful splendour

Just Like Silly André I Always Wanted To Be

Just like silly André I always wanted to be,
who was bold and straight with his number three haircut
that at times was blown skew
when he knocked at our backdoor,

They Say Its Puppy Love

The whole time we are aware of each other
from the moment that you come into class
and then I am dumbstruck
and they say its puppy love and lust

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