Gert Strydom Poems

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Thunder (Cinquain)

blue-white energy
flashing downward sizzling,
frightens everyone of blazing

In The Sandy Desert We Were Silent

In the sandy desert we were silent;
where white and brown sand lies next to each other
we saw aloes and lilies growing together,
a sand-grouse or maybe another bird

Being Carried Along

Like a tree trunk or a piece of wood
that is being carried along
by a river or the sea

Amor Vincit Omnia (Collins Sestets)

(After Divena Collins)

Love is much more than only chemistry
a kind of binding, feeling that comes free

On The Highway A Female Traffic Cop Pulls Me Off

On the highway a female traffic cop pulls me off
and with a book and pen
she trots to the window
which glides electrically into the frame.

Diving Board

A stairway wounds up to a springy height
where my body reaches high against the blue sky,
the pool's is small against my eye,
where I stand in contemplation

Every Spring (Persian / Rubiyat Quatrain)

The Blue Jay

With her light purple breast that gleams
a blue jay descends to the fallow land
where she dances around in sorrow
like a welding flame that impudently trembles

To Me You Are The Most Precious And Beautiful Women

To me you are the most precious and beautiful of women
someone that believes in me
while life comes daily with a new kind of omen
and although our love is how it ought to be


There is something great to gardening
and in these early days of spring
some birds do frolic and flutter
while others do sing

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