Gert Strydom Poems

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Let Me Tell You Of My Love (Virelay)

Let me tell you of my love day by day,
and little things like a dove
that life at times brings onto my way,
see as an action from above,

Deep Meaning

The words of being in love and love
did past us
while you were reading my poems

Western Cape

I said perhaps somewhere in the Western Cape
meant a province with a big peninsula,
a place where we did once meet,
which is bounded by both the Indian

Farmer’s Market

Bundles of vestibules lay tables full,
anything from pumpkins
to green watermelons,
even milk are ladled out in buckets

Old Man On A Bicycle

Out of the mist and rain along the old road
down the slope of a small mountain pass
an old man rides with his bicycle to town
with a plastic bag in which bottles tingle

Strike Of Dustbin Men

At the gate to the street
there are dustbins
and rubbish bags heaped up
and you have

The Prodigal Son [2]


Hunger gnaws at my stomach
and a much deeper hunger of which the pain does not want to fade

Come To My Garden

Come to my garden
when purple irises flower perfectly,
morning glories summit over every thing
and be speechless by the glory

Finding God

In different places
in the city the Holy Ghost
is being sold and people clap hands
and some are pushed

No Feather From Woeperdal

No feather from Woeperdal,
no fox’s hair that falls somewhere,
no African marigolds in the spring sun
urge me to be as much in love

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