Gert Strydom Poems

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Three Prayers During Spring

I. I did not expect this early spring

I did not expect that after this severe winter
that destroyed flowers, grass and plants

Now It Is Winter When Trees Are Skeleton

Now it is winter when trees are skeleton,
stripped bare and have no more leaves
as if they are lifeless
and the weather is grey as if

The Long Journey

Motorcycling along
the N1 freeway
from Pretoria in the north to Cape Town

The Nude Swim (Rondine)

We both lost our loneliness completely
as we were drifting extremely nude,
touching lips was only the prelude
as we were drifting in the endless sea

When The Breeze On The Sea And Land Is Strong

When the breeze on the sea and land is strong
do not feel sorrow when I am gone
as if I am the only man, the only one
and when my ashes are spreading among

Words From A Husband To A Wife (Envelope Couplet Sestets)

Spend your time with me until the night end
as we attend a party at the house of a friend
smile and talk to me as if I am someone else
laugh merrily at the jokes our host tells,
while you dance with me where the stairs bend,
spend your time with me until the night end.

A Snowflake (Tritina)

When the wonder of a hexagon binds
I am caught by the very bright beauty
of a tiny white snowflake that glitters,

Mary, From Nazareth

Mary, innocent girl from Nazareth,
did you know that the Godly child you were carrying,
when you fell on your knees in prayer

The Road Ahead Was Meandering

The road ahead was meandering,
while I drove at a steady speed
taking the path as it did swing
with the wind rushing at my chest and feet,

Another Year Will Pass

Another year will pass
with the magic of spring
where all of the treasure of nature is awakening
and somehow it will be different from the last

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