Gert Strydom Poems

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Female Spider

Her web gleams like the spokes of a bicycle,
she weaves her own pattern out of her soul
as a decagon that she keeps rolling out,
out of her inner silver shiny pivot

I Went Into The Night Again (Welsh Sonnet)

while the sky was filled with rain,
saw some lightning streaking blue-white,
lighting up some of the dark night
and the roads gleamed somewhat black

Shaking Like A Immature Child

Outside a swarm of doves peck yellow maize,
my heart gallops
along the dusty roads
of the lower town

This Morning [2]

This morning like every other one
You touch here and there in your preparations
And outside a myriad of sparrows fly past
When you put on the light and sleepy I open my eyes.

With You That Do Love Me

With you that do love me
I do not know what to expect
and without you I will miss my whole life
and you are in every night and day.

At The Marsh

African coots and wild geese drift past
the bulrushes and bushes of reeds
and deeper in the marsh
there is something that comes alive.

I Am Devoting My Whole Life To You

My Lord, I am devoting my whole life to you,
I have sworn a sacred oath to be true,
you affect my life, my every breath,
if it is necessary even my death;

Idyll [2]

Sometimes there were days when the sun
hang hot in the summer afternoon
while carefree we could lay next to each other
with the fragrances of jasmine, gardenia

Like A Beautiful Princess You Glide In

Like a beautiful princess you glide in,
the organ is thundering,
you do fill my heart in every aspect,
are radiating in snow-white lace

During That Golden Spring [1]

We had a place in the garden
where the fairest lilies grows,
and there was one crimson rose
and of the garden hose you were the warden

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