Gert Strydom Poems

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How Sadly I Have Been Absent In This Spring (Rubiyat Sonnet)

How sadly I have been absent in this spring
while new sprouts and flowers were rising
when the loveliest hot days you have seen
and our love had been a struggling withering thing

I Live For Her (English Sonnet)

I live for her and help her constantly in many ways
and unreckoned passes every second of time
as if there is only pain coming to all my days
and as if to nothing there is reason and rhyme

From Abelard To Heloise

I want much more
than mixed joy and pain
and no comfort
or just memories

I Want To Go To The High-Veldt

I want to look up into the pale-blue sky,
stand next to the green hillocks

To My Wife (English Sonnet)

Sincere, sweet, bright, lovely and very true
with a will that does not easily bend
as my love the great creator has made you,
to accompany me towards the world’s end.


There is ice in the wind
and here and there a flower wilts
are devoured by the ripe
and when the moon rise brightly

In The Heat Of Your Body

In the heat of your body
in this winter I do find
warmth, escape and fulfilment of desire

There Are Many Things In Life That Bring Heartache

and sometimes when I talk to You it feels as if I am not get through
as if only the four walls and do hear me

I Smell The Fragrance Of The Falling Rain

I smell the fragrance of the falling rain
hear how startled the wild horses snort,
see the dust-line of the wild wind savagely
blowing sand and leaves

Around Us The Whispering Rain Falls

Around us the whispering rain falls
during a Cape winter
with the wind blowing gusty
shaking the windows in their frames.

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