Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Around Us The Whispering Rain Falls

Around us the whispering rain falls
during a Cape winter
with the wind blowing gusty
shaking the windows in their frames.

Since The First Morning Light

Since the first morning light you were up and gone
and I thought of last night as the day moved on
and voiceless between us sweet emotions remain
while through the day we both do toil alone

Salome (Rubiyat Sonnet)

With her long legs continually flashing,
on her small heel and toe she is dancing
keeping perfectly to the banging rhythm
in passing smiling sweetly at the king.


Lord, now in the last years of my life
I smell the fragrance of the blooming spring flowers
and as promised You have let my eyes fall
on Your blessed Son

The Tar Road Lays Open

(in answer to N.P. van Wyk Louw)

The tar road lays open under the burning sun
and the house is far over the hillocks

In March When The Summer Is Worn Out

In March when the summer is worn out
the new autumn gets new meaning
when plovers call to each other
while it feels as if the sun is saving its last summer heat

The Sky Is Bright Blue

with a golden sun that is still summer
while the first leaves of autumn begins to fall
and there is peace and tranquillity in my universe

When Winter Suddenly Comes

When winter suddenly comes
year upon year I am caught by it,
when there is an end to growth,

Some Happy People Take Holidays (Trijan Refrain)

Some happy people take holidays
and its when you and I
love to dine out, to dance and play
while summer days rush by

The Thrush Sings Its Twittering Song

The thrush sings its twittering song, picks up worms,
the Jack Russell snatches wild at the bees,
startled they try to escape,
the sunbird gambols from flower to flower

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