Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
With Words (Free Verse Sonnet)

(for Daleen)

With my words, spirit and soul
my hands, lips and mind

Your Beauty (English Sonnet)

In any age you would be counted as fair
be called in your right by beauty's name
and not with makeup you have to prepare
as if from the most beautiful you came

I Want To Pass The Unnamed Borders (Free Verse Sonnet)

Every beautiful thought I want to save for you,
I want to sing a song of praise to you,
out of memories bring the beautiful to you,
do want to protect and shelter you in times of danger.

You Are More Than Just Wonderful (English Sonnet)

You are more than just wonderful to me
and truly you do love and I feel the same
where we do know each other in honesty
and beautiful and lovely is your name.

Message (Free Verse Sonnet)

Our words do sometimes pass each other
and with the hearing there is a difference,
where words as message and meaning
with hearing do not want to stay the same,

Like Adam After The Fall (Italian Sonnet)

Maybe as the sweetest in life in all,
your sincere love stands totally alone,
its impact and acts are forever known:
I am as prehistoric Adam after the fall,

Onlooker (Free Verse Sonnet)

The eye measures everything in colour and black and white
but do not see that which is deep in the heart,
where love gets an own kind of stature,
I do own the beautiful of you in memories,

To Helen(English Sonnet)

(to my wife Daleen: Helena Dorothea, after Edgar Allan Poe)

Sweet Helen, you long to be with me,
while we do not live in the same home

(after WH Auden)

1 The image of the Beast (Swannet)

The Dragon (Continues)

(after WH Auden)

1 The image of the Beast (Swannet)

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