Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Destiny Demands That Now I Must Go (English Sonnet)

Destiny demands that now I must go,
that for a time we both have to part,
while fate and life wants it as so,
where still you are strong in my heart,


It's as if you do hop and jump like klipspringer,
from rock to rock up a small hillock
where in front of the television you sleep next to me,
are fleeing for something when your legs do suddenly kick,

Give To Her The Lovely Desires Of Her Heart (Refrain Stanza)

Give to her the lovely desires of her heart
even when destiny does our plans thwart.
May Your blessings accompany her where she does go,
at the crossroads may she about the right way know

My Whole Life (Crystalline Poem)

In All The Times Between You And Me (Free Verse Sonnet)

In all the times between you and me
there is trust and great comprehension,
many words are written
as human to human where I really like you,

Till The Depth Of Your Heart

Together With You

Together with you I have experienced
sunny and rainy days,
have lived through many summers, springs

In This Fierce Winter

In this fierce winter I got you a coat
to stay constantly hot
but the rain falls far past days
while the wild wind does cut though everything

A Cellular Phone

A mobile phone is a hell of a kind of thing
that catches me at all places even in privacy
when it sings a song
and I know that you do not want to hang on

Like A Bush-Dove

Like bush-dove landing with fluttering
with a letter that it brings will astonish me,
is the sudden message that comes from you
and that message shakes in my hand

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