Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Nothing Of This Virus I Do Like

You are absolutely beautiful to me
and nothing of this virus I do like,
where a lock-down do separate us

I Look At You (Hybridanelle)

I look at you and more than others I do see
but at times to what love is I do feel blind,
where you are more than just dear to me.

I Recall You (Terzanelle)

I do really long for and miss you at night,
I distinctly do remember your grace,
I recall your eyes with their light,

This Terror Just Keeps On And On

How dark and terrifying is each night
where the hope of man slowly fades,
with the impact of a virus day after day

So Very Much

So very much I want to be with you
but with a virus days just run on,
while humanity fears something deadly

As Something Deadly That Sneaks Silently (Hybridanelle)

Far too many people do now daily cry,
as something deadly sneaks silently as if from lore.
A virus with illness like flue cause too many to die

In My Thoughts Your Smile Is Bright And Soft

I wonder if you are also chilly like I am,
where reports do bring bad news about the virus
and untouched or intact no place remains,

With You My Love Did At First Sight Begin (Hybridanelle)

Love is a thing that person can fall in
very suddenly and head over heel.
With you my love did at first sight begin,

I Want To Come To You The Omnipotent Lord God

My God I do not only want to ask for wisdom, intelligence and insight
but like Moses in the old times, I come to You the omnipotent Lord God,
I beg that You do constantly inform me of Your plans,

Apocrypha: Psalm 74

My Lord, let me never forget
how glorious You did measure out the night sky,
how bright blue the dome of the day is,
where the hues vary in their secrecy,

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