Glen Martin Fitch Poems

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What A New Pink Pearl ™ Eraser Means To Me

I've sworn off holidays.
The treat's the trick.
Renewed resolve caves in
with each excuse.

Castles On The Shore

Yes, many castles I have built of sand
With shells and wood, the gifts the waves have thrown,
Each strong and fast against the sea at hand
But in the night the sea reclaims its own.

He thinks he's captive by some strange device,
But he's imprisoned in or out of cage.
Like Eden's Adam, bored with Paradise,
By trick he may be killed but will not age.

When Players Know Their Instruments So Well

When players
know their instruments so well
that thought is act
and both of them are one

Like A Virus

On shelf or counter
they will latent lie.
In supermarkets,
boxes 'neath the stairs,

To John Keats

Dear priest and prophet, cantor of sweet time,
Grand dreamer of delicious lore and fame,
What e'er you viewed that spirit you became
To sing its joy and sorrow in rich rhyme.

Sleazy (Note Left In A Returned Paperback)

How dare you?
You thought,
no, you assumed
I would...

This Ever Happen To You?

“From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.”
FIRE AND ICE by Robert Frost

In Search Of Beauty

Up north at dusk
the winter snow
reflects the sky
for one enchanted hour of blue.


For every soul
it seems a different sight.
I happened on
a version unaware

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