Golden Martian

Golden Martian Poems

It had been anticipated
With all luxury imagination could buy
Hearts at the thought of it panted
Overwhelmed with desire for trouble bidding goodbye


In a time of doom
In the face of an angry night

Could I hold you in my heart,
A heart so cold and quiet?
Maybe from you could come heat
That would rekindle my life's fiery light.

The Best Poem Of Golden Martian

The Anticipated Wonder

It had been anticipated
With all luxury imagination could buy
Hearts at the thought of it panted
Overwhelmed with desire for trouble bidding goodbye

Now two steps in it we've walked
And all simmers with the ordinary
The bygone counterpart in our dreams is poked
And it but no power to alter history so scary

On bright days like this one
Days so bright are still covered with nature's gloom
Souls push on for starry dreams that shone
And hope and fantasy meet their bloom

Now that hope has long been burned
The thrill lies in the presence so masterful
In courage and sweat to warmth we've turned
And our drive makes us invincibly powerful

Indeed our hope and our joy it was
When distantly bright it seemed
But now in it we pose
Not in fantasy but in in joyous reality.

'8th January,2014-Lusaka, Zambia'

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