Grace Gardiner

Grace Gardiner Poems

Now it’s just me and you
Lying under the stars together
I can hear your heart beating
While we’re lying under the stars together

I see you gracefully floating around
Not a care in the world
Not a thought in the sky

I pick up the shattered piece of mirror on the floor
I look at my reflection
I can’t help it
I don’t want this anymore

Music is my drug
It’s running through my veins
Every night and everyday, it takes away the pain
The beat is all I need

Lying in the breeze, just listening to the trees whispering to me
“Don’t tell anyone” they would plea
“Don’t tell anyone the truths about what we’ve said”.

I love you too much to let you go
But don’t know if I trust you enough to say so
I want to go back to the way we used to be
Floating through life, baby, just you and me

Hello my love, I have not seen you here before
My heart is longing to know so much more
I want to look into your eyes, see the world as you do
I want to peek into your dreams, see if they are of me

The sun is rising over the fields
I tilt my head in wonder
Listening to the birds sing in perfect harmony
The corners of my mouth form a little smile on my face

You...are the only one I think about
One glance at you and my heart skips a beat
You are the teardropp to my eye
The music to my beat.

You're gone now
I don't know what to make of it
I'm a mess...I don't want to believe it.

I can see the hatred in your eyes
I know you’re crying inside
It’s the way you stand
As if you don’t belong

The blue skies have gone
The sun has melted away
The angles have disappeared,
Now it’s the demons time to play

Looking out my window, I’m in pure bliss
The sky’s colors are mesmerizing
The shapes of the clouds glow with excitement
Could anything be more beautiful?

Slowly moving hand in hand
Laying my head on your shoulder
The moonlight on your cheek
The stars in your eyes

Do you remember us?
Like we used to be
Do you remember the endless nights?
Not falling asleep till the morning light

I look at myself in the mirror
And what do I see?
Well that’s it I don’t know
Am I beautiful?

Each day away from you is agony
I can’t sleep, I can’t eat
My feeling for you is to deep

I trusted you with my heart, my life and my soul
But I didn’t realize you could be this cold
You tore my heart out and threw it away
Left it for someone else to save

He said he’d love me forever
He said he’d always be there
That we together were unique, a perfect pair
He said don’t worry, I’ll catch you if you fall

Do you know what it feels like?
Deep down, underneath
Having someone who makes your life feel complete

The Best Poem Of Grace Gardiner

Lying Under The Stars Together

Now it’s just me and you
Lying under the stars together
I can hear your heart beating
While we’re lying under the stars together

I feel you reaching for my hand
I feel you pulling me in,
I feel your eyes on me,
You’re so close I can taste your skin

I turn to look into your eyes
You turn to look into mine
I raise my hand in the air
Waiting for yours to entwine

You’re breath is so warm
My body is so cold
We lock our lips like a padlock
So the truth will never be told

I’m thinking, as you’re running your fingers through my hair
How you’re my knight in shining armor
Who rescued me from despair

I look up to the sky and thank the heavens above
For giving me my knight of love
I look down with a smile so genuine
Expecting to see a million white doves

My knight leans over and kisses my cheek
And starts to hum a delicate tune
He whispers how happy he is that we had a chance to meet
As he puts his nose to my neck and smells my perfume

I tell him there is nowhere else I’d rather be
Not in the mountains, not in the sea
I tell him I want this night to last forever
He tells me he feels the same
And hands me a white feather

He said it represents our love
So light and pure
He pulls me in to give me a hug
And leaves me wanting so much more.

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