Gregory Huyette Poems

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When I Say ' I Love You '

When I say, “I love you” this is what I really mean
A new life for you and me from that word in between.


Jealousy is such a self-defeating emotion,
Like trying to swim the ocean,
Or change the course of a clock's motion.
All it does is infest its hosts,


April is eternal spring.
She sows the mirth for everything.
Her smiling sun and soothing showers
Create May’s ebullient flowers.

My Favorite Colors

Blue is my favorite color drawn from the seas and skies.
It beautifies my mother’s and two of my daughter’s eyes.
It also imbues the flag of my country where freedom is dear.
That’s why when I feel blue, I know happiness must be near.

Simplify Life

Why do I have such admiration for complication
And seldom see advantages of simplicity?
Is it the overall fault of divine creation?
Or is there something intrinsically wrong with only me?

The Real You

No matter where you live, what you wear or what you do,
What really counts is the matter inside of you.
The spirit of your heart and state of mind
Is the real you for the rest of the world to find.

Traffic Lights

During that time you're having a good day…
You're not in a hurry; lights all go your way.
When time is ample and the scene serene,
Just as you need them, they all turn green.

The Swan And The Fawn

Finely Freckled Fawn called to Suave, Stately Swan,
“Please help me quickly. I need you to come on.
When I took a drink in the pond, what did I see?
But a poor little fawn drowning who looked just like me.”

Be Kind

In these hurried, impersonal days
They're rarer than gold and harder to find.
Those people whose sincere and gentle ways
Mean they exude spirit that is truly kind.

A Poet's Work

A poet's work is a mystery indeed.
It springs from his mind like a fertile seed.
It's not his place to question its emergence,
But to record and marvel at its resurgence.

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