Gugu Kourtney Zulu

Gugu Kourtney Zulu Poems

Walking on the sidewalk
Thoughts of my dreams
Fill the brain


Try being me for a day
Run the race ran yesterday

Gugu Kourtney Zulu Biography

I'm pretty simple to understand. First and only love is art, the ability to channel your imagination and literally create it into reality is something that keeps me alive. I would like to think I'm an artist, I dream nd love to live in my fantasy as I belive it is better to dream than to live in this bitter world. I am a tree hugger, love natute and animals and I'm more spiritual then religious, moving me towards the buddism life that I try to live by (try) . I live on helping others reach their dreams and potentials and lastly I am a firm believer of love....)

The Best Poem Of Gugu Kourtney Zulu

Raped By Love

Walking on the sidewalk
Thoughts of my dreams
Fill the brain
I hear no sounds
I see nothing but
The paving I walk on

'Do not walk here' they say
'Its dangerous' they preach
I am Zulu
I am a stallian
So I walk on

I feel metal
I see a man
I hear threats
I taste hs body
I smell trouble

He is inside
My clothes ripped apart
I feel thrusts
I am defenseless
I can't breathe
I am weak

Man is done
Man leaves
I get dressed
Run home
Fearful to hear the words
'I told you so'
I want to die

To walk is impossible
To forget is impossible
To trust is impossible
I got raped
I will never walk there again
I learnt
I will teach

I was raped

Gugu Kourtney Zulu Comments

TSHEPANG 14 April 2019


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