Guido Cavalcanti Poems

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Ballata 5: Light Do I See Within My Lady's Eyes

Light do I see within my Lady's eyes
And loving spirits in its plenisphere
Which bear in strange delight on my heart's care
Till Joy's awakened from that sepulchre.

Fresh New Rose

Fresh new rose
Delighting Spring,
By field and stream,
Singing gaily,

As I’ve No Hope Of Returning Ever

As I’ve no hope of returning ever,
Little ballad, lightly, softly,
Go yourself, to Tuscany,

Because No Hope Is Left Me, Ballatetta

Perch’i’ no spero di tornar giammai,
ballatetta, in Toscana,
va’ tu, leggera e piana,
dritt’ a la donna mia,

A Dispute With Death

0 SLUGGISH, hard, ingrate, what doest thou?
Poor sinner, folded round with heavy sin,
Whose life to find out joy alone is bent.

Deep In Thoughts Of Love, I Came

Deep in thoughts of love, I came
On two young maids,
One sang: ‘It rains
On us, the joy of love.’

You Have, In You, The Leaves And Flowers

You have, in you, the leaves and flowers
All that shines and all that’s sweet to see:
Greater than the sun your face in splendour,

A Lady Asks Me

A lady asks me - I speak for that reason
Of an effect - that so often - is daring
And so haughty - he's called Amore:

O, My Lady, Have You Not Seen One

O, my lady, have you not seen One
Who laid his hand on my heart, when
I answered you so softly, tamely,
Because I feared his blows?

Who Is This That Comes And All Admire Her

Who is this that comes and all admire her,
And makes the air tremble with her brightness,
Brings Love with her, so that none who sees her

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