Hafeni Nghidinua

Hafeni Nghidinua Poems

If eyes could speak, they would betray my emotions
My thoughts laid bare and my secrets exposed
If eyes could speak I'd be completely naked
You could look into my eyes and see my every thought

I've loved you for the longest time
And it broke my heart when I found
That the romance I felt was mine
& your love for me was Philia

There are too many roses down on the ground
There are too many people throwing them around
Every rose has a value unbound
So would you please pick them up from the ground?

Sleep little Eleanor and sleep forever
Forget the troubles that lie behind you
Close your eyes and let them wonder
Sleep forever and fall into the blue

There's a girl standing in the rain
She seems lost and frowning in pain
All she wants is a friend for a day
She's alone on a warm summer's day

There is a tragedy in this world
That every eye speaks in silence
Subtly and unheard,
Oh if eyes could speak...

Love is a gift
Marriage a sanctimony
Sanctimony is glass
Once upon a time

For better or worse until death do us part
These lovely words are used to build glass
Put up on the shelf, with the beautiful China
And whatever is said, then after doesn't matter


Home is where the heart is
The familiar thing
That gently warms your being
That place of comfort

Whatever you do
Wherever you go
Whatever you chase
Run with the wind

I envy deeply, love that is a home
A mutual love, it gives, it takes
Love that lives in a selfless tone
Nicked, and cracked in alluring ways

A hyena is a cruel and wretched thing
Where most hunters would mercifully choose
To end its prey and devour it then,
Evolution never taught it such mercy

There will come a day when you will pay
For the wrong you've done against me
And the hell you caused me to pain
You'll pay ten-fold for what you did

I love you, it's a simple fact
To say it is a different matter though
Words don't come easy to me and that fact
Will ensure that my feelings are never known

I am a man
The bane of my existence
And my greatest nemesis
This will not be the first that i water my self hatred

I've loved you for the longest time
I told you on a summer's night
Your love for me was Philia
But losing me would be rife

Appreciate me for every diamond i'm worth
Never take me for granted or leave me in dirt
Cherish me as i love you
Give me the love love that i give you

I want someone who can be there for me when I'm down
Who knows what to say to bring me up
Who's there to pull me up when my self-esteem is low
Who tells me I am worth so much more

Why do we beg for love?
Why do we die without attention?
Why do we prefer to be two instead of one?
Why do we seek warmth from a body that is not ours?

We both roamed upon this land
But this tiny soldier in my hand
Was destined to meet his end
On the day I chose to kill an ant

The Best Poem Of Hafeni Nghidinua

If Eyes Could Speak

If eyes could speak, they would betray my emotions
My thoughts laid bare and my secrets exposed
If eyes could speak I'd be completely naked
You could look into my eyes and see my every thought

If eyes could speak... What need would there be for words
What words could I not say?
What feelings could I not share? What world could I not save?

If eyes could speak, oh if my eyes could speak
What could I do? What could I not do?
I would talk to you… Finally, talk to you

If my eyes could speak what would I say to you?
What could I not say to you?
The word beautiful, does you no justice
No word can, no word ever could
Look into my eyes and see you, as I see.

I wish we could talk, I would converse with you forever
We would roll our sweetness into a ball, sweeter than any other
I would confide in you and I'd be your haven in return
I could share my being with you and never rejection,
If my eyes could speak….

If my eyes could speak... Then all eyes could be opened
I could save the world, I could quell all hatred
But you are my world, the only thing worth saving
You are the only one worth conversing

Maybe you'd fall in love with me,
& maybe I'd make you happy
My words stumble in my mouth
But maybe in my eyes, just maybe
They could flow like rills in the forest
If eyes could speak…

Hafeni Nghidinua Comments

Monika Linus 05 October 2018

Exotic! I love every word.

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