Haley Fisher

Haley Fisher Poems


Scars are every where
Your face
Your arms
Your heart

You can't control me
If you can't see
I'm not a toy
You can't pick me up when you're board

When I scream
No one hears
When I cry no one sees
I'm hidden


I call out into the night
Wiating for your answer
I run looking

I never liked goodbye
It's always 'hello' or 'hi'
Goodbye means no more
The realtionship is torn

When I see you
I want to scream 'I love you'
But those feelings are kept secret
When I see you with him

A promise is your word
Your word means everything
Or it used to
You promised me you would fix everything

Some people say I think too much
I say I don't think enough
But I always end up with a head ache
I think about the problems of the world

Death comes for all of us
Some young
Some old
Some not even born

I haven't slept in days
At school I'm dazed
It's all because of you
Of what you did

You confuse me
You used to take my breath away
Every time you siad hey
Now you confuse me

The days we spent together
Were the best day ever
But you're still here next to me
The stories you told me

Time is everything
But do we have it?
You get caught up in life

Haley Fisher Biography

I write what i feel and hope it helps me and others)

The Best Poem Of Haley Fisher


Scars are every where
Your face
Your arms
Your heart
Your brian
Some are emotional
Some are physical
Some are unforgetabel
Be careful where you put scars
Some are perminate
Some fade
But scars are scars

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