Hamish Ott

Hamish Ott Poems

In a cold stone building; cathedral
the same material from which we are all carved
or so the priest says
are symbols of suffering

in a city
there are solitary cyclists
who transport their belongings
(often hanging off handle bars and carrier)

2002 morning walk
Carrying Brautigan (Richard) 1960's words in my head
A story of a man's life, and how he ran out of living and replaced it with sweet white wine
These thoughts surrounded

The Best Poem Of Hamish Ott

A Religious Experience

In a cold stone building; cathedral
the same material from which we are all carved
or so the priest says
are symbols of suffering
one a crucifix
a by line ‘life's got to be better than this'
my translation from the Latin
we all pray and hope that the sun is shining outside
that this fridge and death
the inside of religion
melt and flow
across the car park

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