Hannah Tresa Reni

Hannah Tresa Reni Poems

All around me is a universe of love,
They loves their love,
I love them, I love my loved ones
And somewhile with the desire, so damp and dark

There were beautiful women than her,
There were more talented women than her,
There were more rich women than her,
There were many women but she was ' the chosen'.

I look pure in look by my shower,
And doubt to be pure in the 'me'?
I ask out to myself,
Where the 'me' in me is pure,

The family meets once or twice a year,
All together and all along.
Beautiful gathering! - they say.
Indeed and of course.

Look at him,
how he sleeps so silently.
Look into his eyes,
feeling the warmth of his care.

In the quiet of night, when stars softly gleam,
St. Joseph watches over, like a heavenly dream.
With calloused hands and a heart full of love,
He shields us below, in realms high above.

In the web of my mind, thoughts whirl and spin,
Every word, every message, I ponder within.
Calling, conversing, with faces around,
Overthinking's tight grip, leaves no solid ground.

In the quiet hours before dawn's first light,
The parish priest begins his day anew,
With whispered prayers to guide him through the night,
His heart ablaze with faith, steadfast and true.

Hannah Tresa Reni Biography

A 16 year old girl trying to change the world by writing? ?)

The Best Poem Of Hannah Tresa Reni

Love And Truth

All around me is a universe of love,
They loves their love,
I love them, I love my loved ones
And somewhile with the desire, so damp and dark
Bright and unsure
I will have to love a man,
A man for which the entire universe stands, for the love of him,
I thirst, I make whispers,
I start to like, start to hate.

Starting to love his honest life,
Will make me kneel on truth,
For love never makes lies,
It's melancholy lies in truth.
Truth is the mother of love and let she pamper her with honest, curing, hopeful and never - ugly drops of milk,
And let he say truth and act truth,
And let he love and learn to love,
For true love never utter lies,
It is of truth, it is of love.

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